What do scientists do in the Scientific Garden of SFSCA RAS, Laboratory of Experimental Technologies (Biopolygon)?
One of the activities of the laboratory is the introduction of berries, in particular large-fruited garden strawberries.
Since 2014, a rich collection of garden strawberry varieties of traditional Siberian varieties (breedings of M.A. Lisavenko Scientific-Research Institute of Horticulture of Siberia, Barnaul - "Pervoklasnitsa", " Solnechnaya Polyanka", "Anna", etc.), as well as the varieties of the Mountainous Altai region of Russia, European regions of Russia, Poland, the Netherlands, Germany, etc., were collected and kept in the experimental lands of the laboratory.
There are more than 80 varieties in the collection.
They differ by:
maturity dates: early varieties, medium-maturing, late-ripening, remontant varieties (two harvests - June and August, September),
color: from white ("Pineapple"), to black ("Black Prince"),
taste from pure sweet to sour,
and even flavors.
The collection is planted in the open ground (only plants of the first year of life are grown in greenhouse conditions), chemicals are not used in the experimental field. Laboratory specialists measure: the number of seedstalks, and fruit size.
The task of the laboratory is to zone the collected varieties, maintain a high diversity, preserve and increase the collection.
The cultivation of garden strawberries in Siberia has been gaining momentum in recent years. This is the most delicious, fragrant and beautiful berry in our region. Despite the northern latitudes and continental climate, it grows in Siberia without much care or trouble. The growing season is enough to please everyone. Early maturity and yield of garden strawberries is great, so its life expectancy is 4-5 years, which requires constant renewal. Gardeners increasingly need different new varieties of strawberries every year.
The laboratory specialists provide consulting services on strawberry growing to anyone interested.
Introduction - from Latin introductio means relocation by a man of a plant species outside its natural habitat to a new habitat.