The International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Issues of Veterinary Science and Practice" was held on October 4-5, 2023 at the Siberian Federal Scientific Centre of Agro-BioTechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
More than 100 veterinary specialists from the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Tajikistan participated in the conference. The conference was held at several venues of the SFSCA RAS and NSAU.
The conference was opened by Mr. Alexander Mikhailovich Zakharenko, Deputy Director for Scientific and Technical Work, Candidate of Science in Chemistry.
The plenary session was addressed by the RAS academician Donchenko A.S., RAS academician Vasilevich F.I., Doctor of Science in Veterinary Medicine, corresponding member of the RAS Donchenko N.A. and others.
The conference included breakout sessions, oral reports and presentations. Scientists discussed a wide range of topics related to the issues of experimental and clinical veterinary medicine. These are morphology, physiology, molecular biology, epizootology, diseases of small domestic animals. In total, about 40 reports were presented.
The breakout sessions were held in five sections:
1. Section "Contagious Diseases of Animals"
2. Section "Internal non contagious diseases of animals"
3. Section "Veterinary and Sanitary Examination"
4. Section "Diseases of Small Domestic Animals"
5. Section "Case Management, Structuring and Historical Aspects of the Development of Veterinary Medicine in the Russian Federation"
A scientific educational seminar "Leukosis of cattle" was held within the framework of the conference. The event was held within the framework of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Issues of Veterinary Science and Practice ".
The seminar was attended by the representatives of the state and industrial veterinary services, agricultural enterprises, as well as the representatives of scientific and educational organizations.
The participants were presented reports of the staff of the SFSCA RAS and NSAU on actual achievements and problems in the recovery of livestock farms from bovine leukosis.